Oglasi za posao

Be an English teacher in Spain (Tarragona, Spain)

Tarragona 04. jul 2017.

AIESEC Montenegro

This job is a part of a AIESEC Association and if you are student looking for amazing international experience continue by reading this job description.

Role description:
  • The teacher should arrive one day before his/her shift starts, in order to attend meetings and organize activities.
  • Follow the proposed teaching schedule focusing on grammar on the morning and use of language on the afternoon.
  • Working hours: from Monday to Saturday afternoon. Sundays off.
  • Be with the kids counselor mate during their eating hours.
  • Assist to the arrival, accompaniment and level tests of the students at the beginning of the shift.
  • 150eu per week
Main activities:
  • Being able to teach English and manage a students group in a summer camp, between six and ten weeks.
  • Teach English 20 hours per week during 5 days. (4 hours per day)
  • Attend all the staff meetings.
  • The teacher can use the materials only after the approval of the director.
  • Fulfil the academics reports specially the students reports and the exams.
  • Promote the participation and enthusiasm on the leisure program.
  • Attend to some parties during the shift, organize and participate the teacher's party.
  • Attend to the closing ceremony in order to finish all the needed tasks.
  • Take guard and keep an eye on kids during all the course.
  • Be responsible of the security and well-being of the students.
Working Hours:
  • 09:00 am to 05:00 am
Weekends: Yes
Accommodation covered: Yes
Accommodation provided: Provided
Salary: 600 EUR Month

Apply via zaposli.ME website by uploading your resume and you will be contacted by our team.

AIESEC Montenegro

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