Oglasi za posao

Application Programmer (Madrid, Spain)

Madrid 07. april 2017.

AIESEC Montenegro

This job is a part of a AIESEC Association and if you are student looking for amazing international experience continue by reading this job description.

Role description:
  • The programmer’s task will be to expand and enhance existing applications for the IOS and Android environments.
  • He/She will gain experience in working on a live application which is being used worldwide.
  • Will participate in design concepts and product development discussions as well.
  • The intern will have the opportunity to work in an application that is live in the market and part of a larger telecommunication service.
  • High growth potential.
Main activities:
  • Programing for IOS,
  • Programing for Android,
  • For IOS, knowledge and experience are required for programming within Xcode in Swift 2.0 and 3.0,
  • For Android, knowledge and experienced are required for programming in Android Studio 2.23,
  • Proficiency in the required development platforms.
  • 850 EUR Month

Apply via zaposli.ME website by uploading your resume and you will be contacted by our team.

AIESEC Montenegro

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