Oglasi za posao

Software-Mitac International Corp.-Taiwan

Taipei 01. novembar 2017.

AIESEC Montenegro

This job is a part of a AIESEC Association and if you are student looking for amazing international experience continue by reading this job description.

Role description:

1. Familiar with Cloud Service ex. AWS, Azure, etc;
  • Create a platform to process huge data especially real-time data.
  • Ex. Video/audio Streaming, geo location information,etc.
2. Ability to collect, organize, analyze, and delivery informationwith attention to detail and accuracy.

3. Will help server team for a particular product or business at Mitac and work with product managers and engineers to translate the analysis into meaningful impact to the business.

Salary: 900 USD month

Apply via zaposli.ME website by uploading your resume and you will be contacted by our team.

AIESEC Montenegro

Poslovi iz iste kategorije

  Junior Digital Marketer

  Web Developer
