Oglasi za posao

Full Stack Developer

Nova Lima 18. novembar 2017.

AIESEC Montenegro

This job is a part of a AIESEC Association and if you are student looking for amazing international experience continue by reading this job description.
Role description:
The candidate will work with the development team of the company, acting in the development process of Conta.Mobi products. The candidate will participate in the specifications of new functionalities, improvements and corrections, implementing solutions with great code quality. The candidate will work with either back-end and front-end part of the application. Available to start working by December. Salary + R$357,00 (Food) + R$200,00 (Bus)

Main activities:
  • Act in the development of the company’s products
  • Suggest and implement improvements in code performance
  • Suggest and implement improvements in code quality
  • Elaborate preventive measures to guarantee application resiliency
  • Supervise preventive measures to guarantee application resiliency.
SALARY: 2500 BRL per month

AIESEC Montenegro

Poslovi iz iste kategorije

  Junior Digital Marketer

  Web Developer
