Specijalistu na otpremi online porudžbina
Opis Posla
- Priprema dokumentacije za kurirske pošiljke
- Pakovanje paketa u skladu sa standardima otpreme
- Predaja paketa predstavnicima kurirske službe sa svom pratećom dokumentacijom
- Proceduralno prihvatanje povraćaja robe
- Vođenje statistike o prodaji na online platformama sa dinamikom i generisanjem periodičnih izvještaja
- Kreiranje i održavanje liste prodatih artikala sa naknadnim uklanjanjem iz sistema
- Interakcija sa ERP sistemom organizacije
- Pomaganje Fashion Gallery zaposlenima, posebno u sezoni
Potrebne kvalifikacije:
- Napredno znanje Microsoft OS-a i korisničko iskustvo
- Poznavanje Microsoft Office-a (Excel, Word)
- Znanje engleskog i crnogorskog jezika, opciono ruski
- Sposobnost za timski rad, volja za učenjem i sposobnost rada pod pritiskom
- Poželjno ali nije obavezno: iskustvo na sličnoj poziciji
- Poželjno, ali nije obavezno: iskustvo sa Abacus sistemom
Šta nudimo:
- Rad za najvećeg operatera luksuzne robe u Crnoj Gori
- Sticanje vještina i znanja u modnoj industriji
- Rad u pozitivnom, naprednom timu
- O plati i bonusima se dogovara nakon uspješno obavljenog intervjua.
Ukoliko tražite posao i ispunjavate gore navedene kriterijume, možemo Vam pomoći u traženju posla.
Molimo Vas da nam pošaljete svoju detaljnu biografiju na engleskom jeziku na sljedeću email adresu: web@fashionporto.com
Napominjemo da će biti kontaktirani samo kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor.
O nama
Fashion Porto DOO bavi se prodajom luksuzno dizajnirane odjeće i obuće, uključujući i modne dodatke. Naša odabrana kolekcija multi-brendova pokriva više od 20 vrhunskih dizajnerskih brendova, kao što su: Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Balmain, Dolce&Gabbana, Fendi, Jacquemus, Maison Michel, Off-White™, Palm Angels, Valentino, Zimmermann. Naš izbor uključuje i parfeme Frederic Malle kao i sunčane naočare Linda Farrow i Mykita.
is looking for
Order Fulfilment Specialist
Job Description
- Preparation of documentation for courier shipments
- Packaging parcels in accordance with shipping standards
- Handing over parcels to courier service representatives with all accompanying documentation
- Handling the procedure for accepting returns of goods
- Keeping statistics on sales on online platforms with dynamics and generating periodic reports
- Maintaining a list of sold items offline with subsequent removal from the systems
- Interaction with the organization's ERP system
- Assisting Fashion Gallery employees, especially during the high season
Job requirements:
- Advanced Microsoft OS knowledge and user experience
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word)
- Language requirements: fluent English and Montenegrin, optionally
- Russian
- Ability to work in a team, willingness to learn, and ability to work
- under pressure
- Desired but not mandatory: experience in a similar position
- Desired but not mandatory: experience with the Abacus system
What we offer:
- Work for the largest luxury goods segment operator in Montenegro
- Acquisition of skills and knowledge in the fashion industry
- Work in a positive, advanced team
- Salary and bonuses are discussed after the successful interview
If you are looking for a job and you meet the above-mentioned criteria, we can help you with your search.
Kindly provide us with your detailed resume in English to the following email: web@fashionporto.com
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
About us
Fashion Porto LLC deals in the sale of luxury designed clothing and footwear, including accessories. Our curated multi-brand collection covers more than 20 high-end designer brands, such as: Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Balmain, Dolce&Gabbana, Fendi, Jacquemus, Maison Michel, Off-White™, Palm Angels, Valentino, Zimmermann. Our selection also includes perfumes from Frederic Malle and sunglasses by Linda Farrow and Mykita.